
New Korean payment methods (Mar 22, 2025)

Good news for folks in Korea – we now support the following payment methods through Stripe Checkout:


Lightning Autofill BETA v13.13.2 released (Mar 19, 2025)

This update addresses two reported issues:

  1. In some cases, input elements that were inserted into the document dynamically after page load via AJAX were not getting autofilled. This has been fixed.
  2. If you have two profiles, each calling the other in a circular reference using the AUTOFILL action, the loop would break after one cycle and these two profiles would not call each other indefinitely as expected. This has been fixed.

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Lightning Autofill BETA v13.13.0 released (Mar 17, 2025)

This is a small update that includes some optimizations to bi-directional cloud sync that didn’t make it into the previous release. We also improved the rule generation code to prevent potential duplicate profile or rule IDs when adding new profiles and rules.

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Lightning Autofill BETA v13.12.5 released (Mar 12, 2025)

The main highlights in this release:

  1. Lightning Autofill’s internal CSS selector generator was rewritten to be up to 300x faster. We’re not kidding – check out the benchmarks. The previous version of our CSS selector generator was called getUniqueSelector() and the new version is genUniqueSelector7(). All the other functions are from third-party libraries, which either produced overly long CSS selectors or were too slow. You can see how much faster it is by generating rules on Google Forms with the “Parse labels” option disabled. CSS selectors are generated for the Name column as a fallback whenever fields have no unique attribute values. If a concise CSS selector is not found either, then an XPath is generated as a last resort.
  2. Fixed a number of cloud sync issues. For those who have “Bi-directional sync” enabled, the syncing should be a lot more reliable now.
  3. Updated the rules generator to work with the latest Microsoft Forms HTML code. Lightning Autofill should now be able to generate rules for Microsoft Forms regardless of whether you have the “Parse labels” option enabled. NOTE: The “Parse labels” option is required for Google Forms with shuffled questions.


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Lightning Autofill BETA v13.9.3 released (Feb 27, 2025)

In addition to various bug fixes, we made two big enhancements to cloud sync in this update:

  1. Data now syncs to Google Sheets when you generate rules without having to open the Options page first.
  2. When you first start Edge or Firefox, you no longer have to go to the Options page to reconnect your Google account.

The video below illustrates this. In the video, we load Edge, and without opening the Options page to reconnect our Google account, we update an autofill rule using the infobar wizard (change value from “aaa” to “zzz”). This updated rule is then synced to Google Sheets.

What’s not shown in the video is another improvement to cloud sync: when you have bi-directional sync enabled, Lightning Autofill automatically retrieves data from Google Sheets before generating new rules so that you minimize the risk of overwriting new rules that were added to Google Sheets from another PC or browser (a big quality-of-life improvement for cloud sync users who manage rules in Google Sheets from multiple devices).

If there are no reported bugs for a week, then this should be the last release before it gets pushed to the stable channel.


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Microsoft Forms update

It appears Microsoft recently updated the HTML code of Microsoft Forms. From now on, if you want to properly autofill Likert multiple-choice questions such as the one below, you need to disable the “Parse labels” option when generating rules.


Lightning Autofill BETA v13.7.14 released (Feb 11, 2025)

You can install from the link below if you want to preview the latest updates. Remember that you can have both the BETA and main versions installed at the same time and import/export data between them.


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Shutting down for Lunar New Year 🎊 (Jan 19, 2025)

The Lunar New Year is the biggest festival of the year for us. The Lightning Autofill team will be shutting down from January 19 to February 2. Please do NOT send any alternative payments during this time as nobody will be around to process them.

There are two known bugs with BETA v13.7.10 that will be addressed when we return:

  1. The generated site filter for about:blank iframes is “blank”, which might result in unexpected behavior since it’s too generic. We will fix this to use the parent frame’s URL instead.
  2. There are some regression issues with generating rules for certain rich-text editors that rely on inline iframes. This is still under investigation, but we should be able to get it resolved after we return.

Skip BETA v13.7.9 and wait for v13.7.10 (Jan 15, 2025)

Please do NOT install BETA v13.7.9 because there was something wrong with that package that broke the autofill. Thank goodness it didn’t go out to the production channel or it would’ve been a disaster 😅. I will make another announcement here when BETA v13.7.10 is released. Apologies for the inconvenience!

Lightning Autofill BETA v13.7.9 released (Jan 14, 2025)

To prevent disruptions for people who use Lightning Autofill in mission critical applications, we have launched a new BETA channel to test new releases before they are published to the main production channel. This is similar to Chrome release channels, and we think it will help reduce headaches for you guys down the road. For those who want to try out the latest changes in Lightning Autofill before it’s officially released, or just to help test the extension, please install from the link below. The latest version will remain in the BETA channel for 1-2 weeks before moving to the production channel if no bugs are reported. You can have both beta and production versions installed at the same time.

Lightning Autofill BETA channel »

In this update, we fixed a lot of cloud sync issues, so this feature should be a lot more stable now. We also added support for forms that are dynamically created inside iframes using the about:blank hack, allowing Lightning Autofill to work its magic on more types of tricky forms. Last but not least, we added the “Reveal password” option to allow you to quickly reveal the password in password fields.


Lightning Autofill v13.3.0 released (Jan 2, 2025)

As promised, we changed the default matching to be case insensitive, so migrated autofill rules should work the same as in v12 now. For example, in v13.2.0, this rule would fail on the Practice Form because “Fullname” does not match name="fullname" since it’s case sensitive:

Type = Text
Name = "Fullname"
Value = Marty McFly

Starting in version 13.3.0, this rule would match like in v12.x.x and earlier since the matching is case insensitive. To force a case sensitive match, you will need to use regex (e.g., /Fullname/).


HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 🎉🎆 (Jan 1, 2025)

🥂 Wishing everyone a warm, safe, and joyous New Year 🥂

May your autofills & automations bring you to greater heights in 2025 🚀